IXON Featured in HKTDC Research

IXON has been featured in a research article by Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) on Wednesday 31 January. The article, written by Simeon Woo of the HKTDC Global Research Team, highlights IXON's recent advances in the field of aseptic packaging. As a statutory body established in 1966, HKTDC operates as a trade promotion organization with a mission to create business opportunities for Hong Kong enterprises and connect them with global markets.

In this article, Woo sheds light on IXON's advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP), a revolutionary technology for extending shelf life of produce and ready-made meals at room temperature, and its impact on food preservation and sustainability. Woo, who holds the title of economist at HKTDC, specializes in market development research in European, North, and Central Asian regions.

The article, available in English, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese, explores how IXON's ASAP technology has revolutionized the way we store and transport food. By extending the shelf life of perishable items at room temperature without the need for refrigeration or preservatives, IXON's ASAP technology offers a sustainable solution to reduce energy consumption and minimize waste in the food industry.

一月三十一號星期三IXON 喺香港貿發局 (HKTDC) 嘅研究文章度獲得推介。呢篇文章係由 HKTDC 全球研究團隊嘅胡力行撰寫,突顯咗 IXON 喺無菌包裝領域嘅最新進展。作為一個於 1966 年成立嘅法定機構,HKTDC 旨在促進香港企業同全球市場嘅商機聯繫。

喺呢篇文章度,胡瑞文解析咗 IXON 嘅先進低溫真空無菌包裝 (ASAP) 技術,佢可以延長生鮮產品同預製菜喺常溫下嘅保存期限,同時對於食物保鮮同可持續性方面有顯著影響。胡力行係 HKTDC 嘅經濟學家,專門負責歐洲、北亞同中亞市場發展研究。

呢篇文章提供咗英文繁體中文簡體中文版本,詳細探討咗 IXON 嘅 ASAP 技術點樣改變咗我哋存儲同運輸食物嘅方式。IXON 嘅 ASAP 技術可以喺常溫下延長生鮮食材嘅保存期限,唔需要冷藏或添加防腐劑,為食品業提供一個可持續發展嘅解決方案,減少能源消耗同減少浪費。