IXON's Technological Breakthrough Revealed in 15-Minute TV Documentary

In a groundbreaking documentary aired on Monday, 25 September, on Pearl TV's program "Pearl Magazine," the remarkable achievements of Hong Kong-based company IXON were unveiled. This captivating 15-minute documentary, titled "Fresh Flesh Flash," sheds light on a revolutionary technique developed by food scientists and engineers at IXON. Their innovative method has the potential to transform the food industry by keeping sous-vide meat fresh for up to two years without the need for refrigeration or preservatives.

The 15-minute documentary can be viewed here: https://vimeo.com/871772298

在香港明珠台節目《明珠雜誌》於9月25日星期一播出的一部突破性紀錄片中,揭示了香港初創公司IXON的非凡成就。這部引人入勝的15分鐘紀錄片名為《Fresh Flesh Flash》,揭示了IXON一項名為ASAP的嶄新保鮮技術,能使慢煮肉類在室溫下保存長達兩年,而無需冷藏或防腐劑,並有望改變食品行業。
