Room-Temperature Meat Preservation: A Game Changer in a Wasteful Food World

Hey there, food enthusiasts! We all know refrigeration is the go-to for keeping our meat fresh, but have you ever wondered if there's a better way? In this blog post, we're diving into the exciting world of room-temperature meat preservation and exploring why it's so important, despite the availability of refrigeration. Plus, we'll take a closer look at the wastefulness of our current food supply chain, using my recent experience of buying beef from a local online shopping platform as an example.

Last week, I purchased beef for making shabu-shabu through HKTV Mall, an online shopping platform that also delivers products from my neighborhood wet market. Don't get me wrong, the beef looked fresh and nicely presented when delivered, but the amount of packaging used to keep the beef chilled was excessive. There were six gel ice packs placed inside a styrofoam/foil bag the size of an A3 paper. It was wet, bulky, and, most importantly, wasteful because I had to discard them as I had limited storage space at home.

I know my case is not unique, and we must find a way to replace traditional chilled packaging. And this is where advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) technology may present advantages!

Preserving Meat at Room Temperature
Say Goodbye to Early Expirations: Imagine having your meat stay perfectly fresh for longer without the need for constant chilling. That's where innovative technologies like ASAP come in. They let us store meat at room temperature for extended periods, saving us the hassle of frequent refrigeration and keeping our taste buds happy.

Fighting Food Waste, One Steak at a Time: Let's face it, we've all had moments when we've thrown out meat that went bad too soon. By embracing room-temperature preservation methods like ASAP, we can prevent premature spoilage, reduce food waste, and save some extra bucks. It's a win-win for both our wallets and the planet.

Sustainable Meat FTW: Did you know that refrigeration takes a toll on the environment? Cold storage consumes significant energy and contributes to those pesky greenhouse gas emissions. But by opting for room-temperature preservation, we can make a positive impact. It's a sustainable solution that minimizes our carbon footprint and helps protect our planet.

The Wastefulness of the Current Food Supply Chain
Packaging Predicament: Picture this: you order meat online, and it arrives in styrofoam/foil bags with gel ice packs. Sounds convenient, right? But here's the catch: not only are these materials wasteful, but they also come with a price—literally. Even in places like Hong Kong, where these made-in-China packaging solutions are cheap, they still add an extra cost of around 12 HKD per order (approximately 1.5 USD). It's time to rethink the financial and environmental costs of our packaging choices.

Resource Drain: Producing, transporting, and disposing of single-use packaging consumes precious resources like fossil fuels and water. Our current food supply chain heavily relies on such packaging, leading to resource depletion and an unsustainable cycle. It's time for a change.

Environmental Wake-Up Call: Let's not forget the environmental repercussions of improper packaging disposal. Styrofoam and other non-biodegradable materials take ages to break down, leaving a lasting impact on our landfills and ecosystems. It's time to tackle this issue head-on.

Room-temperature meat preservation, thanks to awesome techniques like ASAP, offers a fresh perspective on food storage. It helps us enjoy longer-lasting meat, combat food waste, and contribute to a more sustainable world. Meanwhile, our current food supply chain's reliance on single-use packaging is not only wasteful but also comes at a cost. Let's shake things up, embrace innovative preservation methods, and say no to unnecessary packaging. Together, we can create a more efficient, eco-friendly food system that ensures delicious meals while preserving our planet for generations to come. Stay tuned for more meaty adventures!


上星期,我喺HKTV Mall度買咗牛肉嚟煮涮涮鍋,佢係一個網上購物平台,仲有送貨服務,可以係我附近嘅街市場買嘢送嚟。唔好誤會,送嚟嘅牛肉睇上去好新鮮,包裝得好好,但係佢用嚟保持住牛肉冷藏嘅包裝物質就真係好多。裡面有六個凝膠冰袋,放喺一個大約A3紙張咁大嘅聚苯乙烯/鋁箔袋入面。呢啲包裝物質濕答答嘅,佔位又笨重,最緊要係好浪費,因為我屋企儲物空間有限,所以唔得唔即刻掉咗佢哋。







