Enabling a new era of safe food

Back in June, IXON was invited to take part in the Food Systems Game Changers Lab, a multi-phase program conceptualized by EAT, IDEO, Thought for Food and the Rockefeller Foundation which aimed at transforming our global food systems by uniting great minds around the world. And for the last 11 weeks, the IXON team has been working closely with cohort members from Canada, India and Switzerland towards building a transformative solution for promoting food safety and traceability.

Today, we announce that IXON ⁠— in collaboration with Nemis Technologies AG, Pure Scan AI, Tag Trace and SourceTrace — has come up with a game-changing food safety and traceability platform for reducing and managing risk factors associated with food-borne diseases. On behalf of the program organizers, we ask governments, research institutes and food manufacturer, especially those keen on becoming a scaling partner of our solution, to attend the Action Agenda Assembly at 8:00 am - 10:00 am EDT (12:00 pm - 2:00 pm UTC) on Thursday 30 September where we will present our cohort solution to the world .

Safe food is a basic human right. Join us and support our solution so that we can make the world a safer and fairer place.

IXON 在 6 月受邀參加 Food Systems Game Changers Lab,這是一個由 EAT、IDEO、Thought for Food 和洛克菲勒基金會一同構思的多階段計劃,旨在通過吸納世界各方能人賢士,改變我們全球食物系統。在過去的 11 周,IXON 團隊與來自加拿大、印度和瑞士的隊列成員密切合作,以促進食品安全和可追溯性。

今天,我們宣布 IXON ⁠與 Nemis Technologies AGPure Scan AITag TraceSourceTrace 合作,推出了一個改變遊戲規則的食品安全和可追溯性平台,用於減少和管理與食源性疾病相關的風險因素。我們代表計劃主辦商,要求政府、研究機構和食品製造商,尤其是那些熱衷於成為我們方案擴展合作夥伴的政府、研究機構和食品製造商,參加於 9 月 30 日星期四美國東部時間上午 8:00 - 10:00 (即國際標準時間下午 12:00 - 2:00) 的行動議程大會,屆時我們將向全世界展示我們團隊方案。


FSGCL Cohort 24 Pitch Deck.jpg