IXON was presented at Startup × Innovation Thailand Expo 2021
IXON was invited by Thailand’s National Innovation Agency (NIA) to speak on the topic of “Prolonging shelf-life of foods with technologies” at Startup × Innovation Thailand Expo (SITE) 2021 on Thursday 16th September. Felix Cheung, our company’s founder and CEO, and Norapat Phaonimmongkol, the CEO and Co-Founder of Eden Agritech, presented their innovative solutions for extending the shelf-life of meat and fruits, respectively.
Reducing food waste and food loss can help businesses save costs, promote brand reputation and reach sustainability goals. Rewatch the presentation to learn how IXON’s ASAP technology and Eden Agritech’s fruit coating technology can help your business reduce food waste and food loss.
IXON 應泰國國家創新局 (NIA) 的邀請,於 9 月 16 日星期四在「泰國初創 × 創意博覽 (SITE) 2021」會議上以「利用技術延長食品保質期」為主題發表演講。本公司創辦人兼執行董事張文浩先生和 Eden Agritech 執行董事兼聯合創辦人 Norapat Phaonimmongkol 分別展示了他們延長肉類和水果保質期的創新方案。
減少食物浪費和食物損失可以幫助企業節省成本、提升品牌聲譽並實現可持續發展目標。想了解更多有關 IXON 先進低溫真空無菌包裝技術和 Eden Agritech 水果塗層技術,閣下可以重溫以下影片。