IXON steals the spotlight in Korea

We just learned that both Korea Packaging Association (KOPA) and Korea Agricultural Trade Information (KATI) have highlighted IXON’s advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) technology on their websites.

“The ASAP technology is similar to what Tetra Pak uses to make liquid foods such as milk and beverages shelf-stable,” wrote KOPA. “However, it is noteworthy that ASAP technology is applicable on solid foods, such as meat, fish and seafood.”

“For us to increase the export volume of Korean meat, we must improve our products so that overseas customers can enjoy the same taste and quality as they would in Korea. Also, we need to make our products price-competitive by reducing distribution costs," wrote KATI. “For this reason, we must pay attention to novel packaging technologies that have a great impact on the distribution process.”

Founded in 1991, KOPA, which comprises 99 member companies working in the fields of food packaging, packaging material and packaging equipment, is the largest private non-governmental organization officially recognized by the South Korean government. Their mission is to promote friendship among members, encourage fair trading, and promote technological advances that may benefit the packaging industry.

Launched by Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corporation, the KATI website seeks to disseminate information related to Korea’s food trade and gather food trade data for research purposes.

我們剛剛收到消息,韓國包裝協會 (KOPA) 和韓國農業貿易信息 (KATI) 都在其網站上重點介紹了 IXON 的「先進真空低溫無菌包裝」 (ASAP) 技術。

據 KOPA 報導,ASAP 技術類似利樂用於使牛奶和飲料等液體食品保持貨架穩定性的技術,但值得注意的是,ASAP 技術適用於固體食物,如肉類、魚類和海鮮。

據 KATI 報導,要增加肉類出口量,韓國先要改良自家產品,以便海外客戶能夠享受到與如同在韓國的鳳味和質感。此外,韓國肉類生產商必須降低分銷成本來使產品具價格競爭力,因此他們必須關注對分銷過程有很大影響的新型包裝技術。

KOPA 成立於 1991 年,由 99 家成員公司組成,在食品包裝、包裝材料和包裝設備領域工作,是韓國政府正式承認的最大的私營非政府組織。他們的使命是促進成員之間的友誼,鼓勵公平交易,並促進可能有利於包裝行業的科技。

KATI 是韓國農漁業和食品貿易公司旗下一網站,旨在傳播與韓國食品貿易相關的信息,並為研究目的收集食品貿易數據。

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