IXON got featured on Ming Pao Daily News

It appears that the story of IXON has now grabbed Hong Kong media’s attention.

On Monday 2 August, Ming Pao Daily News — the second most read newspaper in Hong Kong — published a half-page spread on IXON and its advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) technology. “The local startup company has developed a brand-new sterilization and packaging solution that can extend the shelf life of meat at room temperature up to two years,” writes Wai Kit Sit, Senior Reporter of Ming Pao Daily News, in Chinese. “The technology significantly reduces storage costs and food wastage, and solves a century-old problem for the food industry.”

In a separate commentary article, a food supply chain expert said, “Although the solution warrants a clean room, large capital investment, and higher processing costs, the cost savings by eliminating cold chain and refrigeration at the retailer would help lower the overall cost.”


香港第二大報章《明報》於8 月 2 日星期一刊登了半版有關 IXON 及其「先進低溫真空無菌包裝」 (ASAP) 技術的文章。 《明報》資深記者薛偉傑寫道:「有本地初創公司研發出一個嶄新的消毒和包裝方案,可以令肉類在常溫下的保質期長達兩年或以上,可望大幅減低保存成本和損耗問題,解決食品工業的世紀課題。」


Image by Ming Pao Daily News

Image by Ming Pao Daily News

Image by Ming Pao Daily News

Image by Ming Pao Daily News