IXON wins Entrepreneurship World Cup 2021 China Hong Kong Finals

We are proud to announce that IXON is the winner of this year’s Entrepreneurship World Cup (EWC) Hong Kong National Finals!

On Tuesday 27th July, our company CEO Felix Cheung competed with ten other finalists from Hong Kong by pitching before a panel of judges comprising Akina Ho, Head of Digital Transformation & Innovation at Great Eagle Holdings Limited; Wynn Xiao Wu, EVP of Digital and Brand at Yunnan Red Chateau Wine; Jeffrey Broer, Board Director of Fintech Innovation Lab APAC; and James Kwan, Executive Chairman of Jumpstart Media. Despite intense competition, IXON was awarded first place by the judges for its technological innovation and business idea. The runner-ups were RASPECT and Choco Up.

Ekaterina Leonenkova, Project Manager of the Global Education & Leadership Foundation (tGELF), congratulated Cheung for becoming the winner of the competition. As a result, IXON will represent Hong Kong and compete with other national winners in EWC Global Final, which is to take place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in November this year.

EWC is the world’s largest pitch competition for the next generation of entrepreneurs. The event had 175,000 entrants applying from 200 countries last year. The winner of the Global Final will receive US$ 500,000 cash prize, as well as other in-kind services and perks.

For more information regarding EWC, please visit: https://entrepreneurshipworldcup.com/


7 月 27 日星期二,IXON 執行董事張文浩先生與來自香港的其他 10 名決賽選手在由鷹君控股有限公司數字化轉型與創新主管胡芯女士、雲南紅酒莊數字與品牌執行副總裁 Wynn Xiao Wu 、亞太金融科技創新實驗室董事Jeffrey Broer 和 Jumpstart Media 執行主席 James Kwan 組成的評審團面前進行遊說。雖然比賽競爭激烈,但是 IXON 憑藉其技術創新和商業理念獲得了比賽的第一名。亞軍是 RASPECT 和 Choco Up。

全球教育與領導力基金會 (tGELF) 項目經理 Ekaterina Leonenkova 祝賀 Cheung 成為比賽的優勝者。 IXON 將代表香港參加今年 11 月在沙特阿拉伯利雅德舉行的 EWC 全球總決賽,與其他地區的冠軍選手競逐冠軍殊榮。

EWC 是世界上最大的企業家遊說比賽。該活動去年有 175,000 間初創公司來自 200 個國家報名參賽。全球總決賽冠軍將獲得 500,000 美元的現金獎勵,以及其他實物服務和福利。

想知道有關 EWC 的更多信息,請瀏覽:https://entrepreneurshipworldcup.com/
