ASAP is ticking all boxes for Meat & Livestock Australia

We are excited to learn that IXON has garnered the attention of the Australian red meat industry.

Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA), the national marketing and research body for meat and livestock in Australia, has recently commissioned Prof Consulting Group, a Melbourne-based food consultancy, to conduct a 31-page investigative review of our company’s advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP). The project aims to determine if our technology works and supports the initial shelf-life claims, while satisfying domestic and international food regulations.

“ASAP claims to keep cooked meat fresh and juicy for up to two years without refrigeration or the use of preservatives,” writes Jane Rodway, food innovator of Prof Consultancy Group. “Removing the high cost of refrigerated supply chains and enhanced food safety controls should improve profitability of the red meat industry and deliver the additional benefits of an important sustainability message.”

Some of the key findings from the report include:

  • The technology is more advanced in its evolution than conceptual or bench top theory, given that samples have been produced and shipped internationally.

  • The level of funding to date and quality of industry partnerships infer credibility of the claims.

  • The level of recognition and awards for the technology is positive.

  • By reducing the need for a fully chilled supply chain, the technology’s value opportunities for both food service and retail markets are significant.

“Australia is currently the world's most valuable beef exporter, with total exports generating 7.5 billion US dollars (equivalent to 10.8 billion Australian dollars) in 2019,” says Felix Cheung, founder and CEO of IXON. “As an Australian–Hong Kong food scientist, I am excited by the impact that our technology may bring to food supply chain between Australia and Hong Kong.”


Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA)是澳洲國家指定肉畜營銷和研究機構,他們最近委託位於墨爾本的食物顧問公司Prof Consulting Group對我們公司的先進真空低溫無菌包裝(ASAP)技術進行了長達31頁的調查。該項目旨在確定我們技術是否有效並達到最初保質期承諾,同時滿足國內和國際食品法規。

Prof Consulting Group食品創新總監Jane Rodway寫道:「ASAP聲稱可以在不冷藏或使用防腐劑的情況下保持熟肉新鮮和多汁長達兩年。此技術一旦成真,將消除冷鏈成本問題和加強食品安全,從而提高紅肉行業的競爭能力,並提供可持續發展此重大信息。」


  • 考慮到樣品已經在國際上生產和運輸,該技術已超越了概念或台式理論階段

  • 從融資能力和合作企業夥伴能推斷該技術的可信度

  • 該技術曾獲得業界的認可和獎項

  • 通過減少冷鏈需求,該技術將會為食品服務和零售市場帶來巨大商機。

