Techstyle For Social Good opens for competition

The Mills Fabrica's "Techstyle For Social Good" International Online Competition is open for applications! IXON, which was awarded the Community Prize last year, has received huge amount of support from the organizer and strongly recommends this competition to textile and foodtech startups. If you would like to transform your ideas into a reality and gain networks in Hong Kong, this competition is for you!

Apply now to win prizes over USD 65,000 and residency opportunities:

Want to get some tips? Join the fireside chat on 29/6:

南豐作坊舉辦的「Techstyle For Social Good」國際網上比賽現正接受報名!去年贏得社區獎的IXON一直受到主辦單位的大力支持,因此我們向從事紡織和食品科技初創公司強烈推薦此比賽。如果你想把你的夢想變成真實並在香港建立人脈,快把握良機參加此比賽!

立即申請贏取超過 65,000 美元的獎品和居住機會:

想獲得更多提示?加入 29/6 的爐邊聊天:


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