Thai accelerator showcased IXON on demo day

The National Innovation Agency (NIA) of Thailand, in partnership with Thai Union Group, Mahidol University, ThaiBev, Betagro and Deloitte, presented its second generation of foodtech startups at SPACE-F demo day on Thursday 1 April. The SPACE-F program is a non-equity-based incubator and accelerator that seeks to help startups grow their business in Thailand and Southeast Asia.

In total, there were nine startups that showcased their work from Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Brazil and USA on demo day. IXON was among one of two startups from Hong Kong that pitched their business before judges, investors, corporate partners and the Thai government.

Thailand ships ready-to-eat chicken to more than 20 countries around the world and is one of the largest exporters of chicken meat in the world. The country wants to establish itself as the Foodtech Silicon Valley; and SPACE-F is one of many initiatives launched by the government in order to realize its dream.

泰國國家創新局(NIA)與泰國聯盟集團(Thai Union Group)、瑪希頓大學(Mahidol University)、泰國釀酒(ThaiBev)、貝塔格羅(Betagro)和德勤(Deloitte)合作,在4月1日星期四舉行的SPACE-F演示日上展示了他們第二代食物初創公司。 SPACE-F是一個基於非股權的孵化器和加速器計劃,旨在幫助初創企業發展其在泰國和東南亞的業務。

當日來自泰國、新加坡、香港、巴西和美國的9家初創公司展示了他們的技術。 IXON是代表香港的兩家初創公司之一,在評審員、投資者、公司合作夥伴、以及泰國政府面前推銷其業務。


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