Hitachi and Itoen of Japan see vast possibilities with IXON's technology

Last Thursday, Scrum Ventures did a showcase on IXON’s advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) technology during the interim reporting of “Food Tech Studio - Bites!”, its open innovation program in Japan. Apparently the news caught the attention of Gourmet Watch, and their reporter interviewed two of the program’s corporate partners for further comments regarding IXON after the event.

“The technology might compete against refrigerators,” says Hitachi Global Life Solutions, whose core business is selling refrigerators. “However, it opens up the possibility of food distribution in a new temperature range."

“It is going to change the course of vending machine history,” says Itoen, a Japanese company that sells green tea through vending machines. “Imagine a new era wherein vending machines sell not only tea but also meat and seasonings. It's an interesting idea."

上週四美國初創投資公司Scrum Ventures於其日本開放式創新計劃「Food Tech Studio - Bites!」的中期報告中介紹了IXON的先進低溫真空無菌包裝(ASAP)技術。這一消息引起了日本新聞網站Gourmet Watch的注意,因此他們的記者於活動結束後採訪了這項計劃的兩名合作商業夥伴,以尋求有關IXON的進一步評論。


