IXON became the talk of the town at STARS Programme Demo Day

The Hong Kong Startup Council held its 4th STARS Programme Demo Day in partnership with Citibank and the Mills Fabrica to showcase 11 local foodtech startups before investors, potential customers and strategic partners last Tuesday. As a winner of Techstyle for Social Goods 2020 competition, IXON was invited by the Mills Fabrica to give talk on advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) technology and its implications for local industries.

“The global foodtech industry has undergone vigorous development over recent years,” says Jason Chiu, the president of the Hong Kong Startup Council. “I am very pleased to see that startups are giving full play to what they have learned, exhibiting new products and solutions with great socioeconomic values, which is a big step towards upgrading and transforming Hong Kong's food industry.”

“We thank the Mills Fabrica for giving us the opportunity to present our technology,” says Elton Ho, the co-founder and chief project manager of IXON. “Our hope is to build a D2C business for importing fresh meat, fish and seafood from around the world to Hong Kong without exorbitant shipping fees. The local food industry will achieve greater profitability and sustainability through the implementation of ASAP.”

You can watch a replay of the event via Youtube.

香港初創企業協會與花旗銀行和南豐作坊聯手合作,於上週二舉辦了第四屆「初創飛昇計劃」演示日,並向投資者、潛在客戶及合作夥伴介紹了11家本地食物初創公司。 IXON公司作為2020年Techstyle for Social Goods比賽優勝者之一,受南豐作坊邀請就先進低溫真空無菌包裝(ASAP)技術及其對當地行業的影響進行了演說。


