IXON to present at STARS Programme Demo Day

The Hong Kong Startup Council will be holding its STARS Programme Demo Day, an annual event for showcasing Hong Kong startups, at the Mills Fabrica on Tuesday 20 April. This year, the theme of the program is “STARTUP X Food Tech Industry”, and 11 foodtech companies are set to pitch their ideas to potential investors and compete for the Most Popular Startup (from online voting) and the Most Potential/Investor’s Choice Startup award.

IXON, being one of the winners in the Techstyle for Social Good competition last year, will be attending the event as a special guest speaker. Elton Ho, Co-founder and Chief Project Manager of IXON, will deliver a speech and share his story of success over the last year to the audience. Interested parties can join the event freely by registering via the following link: https://fhkiforms.wufoo.com/forms/zimdoi0195xd26/

香港初創企業協會將於4月20日(星期二)在南豐作坊舉行「第四屆初創飛昇計劃」演示日,該項年度活動旨在展示香港初創企業。今年活動主題為「STARTUP X 食品科技」,屆時將會有11家食品初創公司展出,向潛在投資者介紹業務,並爭奪最受歡迎初創公司(通過在線投票)和最有潛力/投資者之選初創公司兩項殊榮。

IXON作為去年Techstyle for Social Good比賽的優勝者之一,將參加此次活動並擔任特別演講嘉賓。 IXON聯合創始人兼首席項目經理何耀權先生將致辭並向觀眾分享他在過去一年中的成果。有興趣人士可以通過以下連結免費註冊參加活動:https://fhkiforms.wufoo.com/forms/zimdoi0195xd26/

STARS Programme 4th Demo Day 2.jpg