IXON enters global finals of Entrepreneurship World Cup

The Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN), Misk Global Forum and the Global Education & Leadership Foundation today announced the top 25 startups that will be competing at the Entrepreneurship World Cup Global Finals in Riyadh in December this year. Among these top startups is IXON, a foodtech company that ships fresh meat, fish and seafood at room temperature and the only startup from China/Hong Kong region to have qualified for the global finals.

Over 100,000 registrations from 200 countries applied for the competition this year. The top 25 startups, which represent the top 0.025% percentile of the competition, will be competing for a share of US$1 million in cash prizes in the global finals.

Click here to view the official press release.

全球創業網絡 (GEN)、Misk 全球論壇和全球教育與領導力基金會,今天公佈了進入創業世界杯全球總決賽的前 25 家初創公司,它們將於今年十二月在利雅得競逐冠軍殊榮。在這些頂級初創公司當中,專門研發室溫運送鮮肉、鮮魚和海鮮技術的 IXON, 是中國/香港地區唯一一家獲得參加全球總決賽資格的初創公司。

今年有來自 200 個國家超過 100,000 名初創公司申請參加比賽。排名前 25 家初創公司(相等於比賽前 0.025%)將於全球總決賽中爭奪 100 萬美元現金獎勵。
