IXON joins Creative Destruction Lab Ag Stream

Today, we are happy to announce that IXON will be joining Creative Destruction Lab (CDL) Ag Stream, a non-profit program designed to help grow massively scalable, seed-stage science- and technology-based startups working in the agriculture and food space.

Based at the University of Calgary’s Haskayne School of Business, the CDL Ag Stream program is one of 16 CDL streams operating in Canada, France, United Kingdom and United States. By leveraging the region’s vast pool of expertise in agricultural innovations, CDL Ag Stream helps founders rapidly scale their business and commercialize their solutions.

“When it comes to agriculture, the Canadian prairies are home to world-class academic and business expertise as well as some of the largest agriculture companies in the world,” says Alice Reimer, Site Lead at CDL-Rockies. “I can’t think of a better place for startups in this industry to get the support they need to grow.”

For more information, please visit: https://www.creativedestructionlab.com/streams/ag/

今天我們很高興地宣布 IXON 將加入 Creative Destruction Lab (CDL) Ag Stream,這是一個非牟利初創支援計劃,旨在幫助可大規模擴展,處於種子階段,以科學為基礎的農業食品公司。

CDL Ag Stream 計劃為期一年,於卡爾加里大學哈斯坎商學院內營運,是 CDL 在加拿大、法國、英國和美國營運的 16 個初創支援計劃之一。通過當地農業創新和專業知識,CDL Ag Stream 幫助公司創辦人快速擴展其業務並將其技術商業化。

CDL-Rockies 負責人 Alice Reimer 說:「加拿大擁有世界一流農業和商業知識,以及一些大型跨國農業公司,對於需要支援的初創公司來說,我想不出有哪一個地方會比這更好。」


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