IXON to reward its Kickstarter backers with newly designed ASAP products

Just over a year ago IXON ran a Kickstarter campaign where we pledged to gift everyone who supported our project with a world’s first: high-end sirloin steaks and pork chops that you can at keep at ambient temperature without refrigeration. Since then, hundreds of top-tier backers have received their rewards, and those who tasted our products have told us how impressed they were with the overall quality.

However, at IXON, we never settle for the status quo. Over the last year, our team has made much improvement to the advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) technology. In particular, we removed the salt and extra virgin olive oil from the original product so that meat (and really only meat) is all you get under the wrapping. No additives, no preservatives and no chemicals whatsoever!

Now that February is here, the IXON team is getting ready to fulfill the next round of orders. Specifically, those who pledged for ANY of the "Meat-U-Later" packages back in October 2020 will soon receive an email from us through Kickstarter. Upon completing the survey and confirming the shipment addresses, we will immediately ship out the newly designed ASAP products to our backers.

In addition, top-tier backers (i.e., those who pledged for ANY of the “Sear-U-Soon”, Premium Supporter or “World-is-at-Steak” packages) can choose to exchange any ASAP products received last year with newly designed ASAP products. Please reach out to us via email, Facebook, LinkedIn or Kickstarter for further details.

一年多以前 IXON 發起了一項 Kickstarter 眾籌活動,我們承諾向支持者送上世界首個無需冷藏兼可在室溫下保存的高級西冷牛扒和豬扒。到目前為止,數百名頂級支持者已收到了他們的獎勵和品嚐過我們產品,他們對 ASAP 產品的整體質量非常滿意。

然而 IXON 團隊從不滿足於現狀,在過去一年我們對「先進低溫真空無菌包裝 (ASAP)」 技術進行了多項改進,特別是我們從原本產品中去除了鹽和特級初榨橄欖油,這樣包裝下您只會找到肉,而絕不會找到任何添加劑、防腐劑或化學劑!

現在二月已經到來,IXON 團隊正準備運送下一輪訂單。那些在 2020 年 10 月時購買任何「Meat-U-Later」套餐的人將會通過 Kickstarter 收到電子郵件,閣下只需填寫表格和確認發貨地址,便將收到最新設計的 ASAP 產品。

此外,頂級支持者(即購買任何「Sear-U-Soon」、Premium Supporter 或「World-is-at-Steak」套餐的人)可選擇將去年收到的任何 ASAP 產品與新設計的 ASAP 產品交換。請通過電子郵件FacebookLinkedInKickstarter 與我們團隊聯繫,以便了解更多詳情。