Jumpstart Magazine Reviews IXON's ASAP Pork Chops

Nayantara Bhat, the Digital Editor of Jumpstart magazine, recently received some ASAP pork chops from IXON. And her team finally got a taste of our amazing technology after leaving the pork chops, without refrigeration, in office for close to a month. And this is what Nayantara said after tasting:

We seared the pork chops on a smoking hot pan for just a few minutes each side. The end result: juicy, delectable pork chops which, if we hadn’t known that they were kept at room temperature for the past month, would have been indistinguishable from fresh ones.

Well, there you have it. Another positive review from a professional in the tech and startup industry! Now you know why IXON’s ASAP technology is here to challenge the food norm by promising “a fresh food experience that you can store safely at room temperature” rather than “a tastier canned food experience”. For all our Kickstarter backers out there, expect to get our mind-blowing products this February.

《Jumpstart》雜誌電子編輯Nayantara Bhat最近從IXON手中獲得了一批ASAP豬扒。她的團隊在不冷藏的情況下將豬扒放在辦公室將近一個月,然後終於有機會品嚐我們的驚人科技。品嚐後Nayantara給了以下的評語:


所謂真金不怕火煉,我們再次得到了創新科技行業專家的肯定!現在您知道為什麼IXON的ASAP技術承諾的是「可以在室溫下存放的新鮮食物體驗」,而不是「更美味的罐頭食物體驗」。 Kickstarter的支持者們,你們將有望在今年2月品嚐這令人振奮的產品。
