Sweden Foodtech Big Meet 2020

IXON is proud to be a sponsor of Sweden Foodtech Big Meet 2020. This year the conference's central themes are “good food city” and “restart & rebuild”. Our founder Felix Cheung will be speaking at the event over two time slots on Wednesday 30th September: 0940 to 1015 CET on “Around the Foodtech World” and 1415 to 1430 CET on “Producing in the City”. Also, a VIP dinner is to be served by Chef Stefan Ekengren from Restaurang Hantverket using IXON's ASAP beef sirloin (shipped from Hong Kong to Stockholm using EMS) in the Volvo Showroom at 1730 CET.

The event is filled with bold ideas, stunning demos and insightful comments. If you want to learn about the latest opportunities and disruptions in the global food system, we strongly recommend that you sign up for the event here (registration is FREE).

IXON是今年瑞典食品技術大會的贊助商之一,此次會議主題將圍繞著「美食都市」和「重啟與重建」。 IXON的始創人張文浩亦將於9月30日星期三的兩個時段上發表演說,包括「環遊食物科技世界」(瑞典時間0940至1015)和「都市製造」(瑞典時間1415至1430)。此外來自Restaurang Hantverket的名廚Stefan Ekengren將於瑞典時間1730在Volvo展廳中使用「先進低溫真空無菌包裝」西冷牛扒(通過EMS從香港運送到斯德哥爾摩)炮製一頓VIP晚餐。


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