IXON is grabbing spotlight in Brazil

We just heard that Brazilian conservation news portals Pensamento Verde and Espaço Ecológico have both published a news article on IXON and its patent-pending advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) technology. Pensamento Verde, which means ‘Green Thinking’ in Portuguese, seeks to inform and promote actions in favor of environmental sustainability. Espaço Ecológico, which means "Ecological Space” in Portuguese, seeks to disseminate information on environmental preservation, conservation and biodiversity. The latter also has a program on Brazilian radio station Tabajara FM 105.5 from 8 to 9 am every Saturday.

“A new technology developed by Hong Kong startup IXON Food Technology enables cooked food to preserve its flavor, texture and nutritional value at room temperature after a year,” reports Pensamento Verde. “The discovery can go a long way towards ensuring food is not wasted.”

“Food innovation is not just a matter of convenience. It is increasingly important to reduce the environmental footprint of food production,” writes Espaço Ecológico. “Brazil alone wastes 26.3 million tons of food every year. That’s almost 10% of the country’s food production. Meanwhile, 5.2 million people in Brazil are going hungry.”

巴西環境保育新聞網站Pensamento VerdeEspaço Ecológico最近發表了有關IXON和「先進低溫真空無菌包裝」(ASAP)技術的新聞。 Pensamento Verde在葡萄牙文中的意思是「綠色思維」,旨在宣傳和促進有利於環境可持續性等活動。 Espaço Ecológico在葡萄牙文中的意思為「生態空間」,旨在傳播有關環境保育、生態保護和生物多樣性等信息,後者還在巴西廣播電台Tabajara FM 105.5於每個星期六上午8點至9點播出節目。

Pensamento Verde表示:「香港食物初創公司IXON開發的一項新技術可使熟食在室溫下保持其風味、質地和營養價值。這項發現可以確保我們不浪費食物。」

Espaço Ecológico寫道:「食品創新不只是為了方便。減少食品生產所做成的環境足跡變得越來越重要。僅巴西每年就浪費2630萬噸食物,這幾乎佔全國糧食產量的10%。同時,巴西有520萬人生活於飢餓之中。」
