ASAP is perfect for disaster relief

It’s only been one week since Brazilian websites covered our company’s story, and IXON is already marking its name in various territories. This week Japanese digital magazine IDEAS FOR GOOD and Hong Kong computer magazine PCMarket have both written a commentary on ASAP technology.

“In disaster-prone countries such as Japan, the development of delicious emergency food is extremely vital,” says Kaori Shimizu, editor of IDEAS FOR GOOD. “When you are in difficult situations, food often warms your heart. So emergency food using IXON’s latest packaging technology has the potential to make you feel better.”

“It is encouraging to see Hong Kong foodtech company IXON, which specializes in advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP),” says Jean, editor of PCMarket. “Such food preservation technology should not be taken for granted.”

自巴西網站報導我們公司的故事以來一星期,IXON已經在不同地區標記了它的名字。本週日本電子雜誌《IDEAS FOR GOOD》和香港電腦雜誌《PCMarket》都對「先進低溫真空無菌包裝」技術發表了評論。

《IDEAS FOR GOOD》編輯清水香央理說:「在諸如日本這樣的災害頻發國家,開發美味的應急食品變得極為重要。當您處於困境中時,食物會溫暖您心,因此使用IXON最新包裝技術的應急食品可使您感覺良好。」

《PCMarket》編輯Jean說:「香港也有食物科技創科公司,如專門研究先進低溫真空無菌包裝(ASAP)的 IXON 。這類拉長食物保存期的技術,不應視為是理所當然。」
