IXON reveals details about upcoming crowdfunding campaign

In a recently published interview, Packaging Insights Assistant Editor Anni Schleicher sat down with IXON CEO Felix Cheung to talk about commercialization barriers, as well as progress made with the company’s advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) technology.

“The biggest hurdle to this technology going mainstream is the automation of the sterilization/packaging process,” says Cheung. “Another obstacle is convincing consumers that ASAP products maintain their taste and texture and, more importantly, are safe to consume.”

“Over the past year, we have enhanced the design, safety and user-friendliness of our products,” says Cheung. “Also, we learned that scaling a deep technology is very different from scaling a food tech — you need not one but multiple strategic partners to overcome the high barriers to entry."

Cheung also revealed more details regarding IXON's Kickstarter campaign that is set to go live at the end of this month. “We will offer over 1,000 pieces of sirloin steak and pork chops worldwide for pre-order.” adds Cheung. “This shows our confidence in the safety and reliability of our products."

《包裝洞悉》助理編輯Anni Schleicher於最近發表的訪問中,與IXON首席執行官張文浩先生討論有關先進低溫真空無菌包裝(ASAP)技術的商業挑戰,以及過去一年公司取得的進展。



