ASAP animation gets subtitles in eight languages

We highly recommend that you watch our short animation in case you are wondering how advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) works. For those who are unfamiliar with the technology, ASAP enables the storage of fresh meat, fish and seafood at room temperature for up to two years. It has the potential to solve 10 out of 17 sustainable development goals set out by the United Nations. Doesn’t that sound amazing?

Also, thanks to our friends and business associates, the animation now has subtitles in eight languages, including Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), English, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean and Thai. Fans can expect more subtitles to come in coming months.

Special thanks goes to Ms Sandy Hua, Mr Carlo Dadati, Ms Juhyun Song and Ms Salor Lo for sending us French, Italian, Korean and Thai translations. We are extremely grateful.



特別鳴謝Sandy Hua女士、Carlo Dadati先生、Juhyun Song女士和Salor Lo女士為我們提供了法文、意大利文、韓文和泰文的翻譯。我們十分感激。
