IXON Ranked APAC Top 10 Food Processing and Packaging Tech Solution Providers

Changing customer preferences and bold palates of the millennial generation are forcing the food and beverage industry to adopt new food processing and packaging solutions. From saving food, reducing waste to improving the overall sustainability of food production, startups and major equipment suppliers have developed various innovative technologies to help food manufacturers stay ahead of their competition.

To recognize some of the success stories that have emerged from Asia Pacific over the recent years, the San Francisco-based magazine Food & Beverage Technology Review has presented the Top 10 Food Processing and Packaging Tech Solution Providers in APAC 2020:

  1. Arai Machinery Corporation (Japan) - food filtration

  2. Carne Technologies (New Zealand) - meat processing systems

  3. Foodmach (Australia) - robotics and automation

  4. Intralox (USA) - conveyor belt systems

  5. Ishida (Japan) - automated packaging systems

  6. IXON Food Technology (Hong Kong) - solid food aseptic packaging

  7. Multivac (Germany) - vacuum chamber and food packaging systems

  8. Tetra Pak (Switzerland) - liquid food aseptic packaging

  9. Triton (Australia) - software and hardware solutions

  10. Zinnia Packaging (Singapore) - food processing equipment

See the full article here.


  1. 荒井鉄工所 (日本) - 食品過濾

  2. Carne Technologies (新西蘭) - 肉類加工系統

  3. Foodmach (澳大利亞) - 機器人與自動化系統

  4. Intralox (美國) - 傳送帶系統

  5. 株式会社石田 (日本) - 自動包裝系統

  6. 思創食品科技 (香港) - 固體食品無菌包裝

  7. Multivac (德國) - 抽真空和食品包裝系統

  8. 利樂 (瑞士) - 液體食品無菌包裝

  9. Triton (澳大利亞) - 軟件和硬件解決方案

  10. Zinnia Packaging (新加坡) - 食品加工設備
