[Testimonial 06] ASAP products are garnering attention in the foodtech industry

In the foodtech world, more and more people are advocating for the quality and convenience of ASAP products. Two weeks ago, Techstars Farm to Fork Accelerator Managing Director Brett Brohl tried a pork chop and loved it. Last week, FeedX Co-founder Carl Lippert tried a pork chop and now swears by it.

This week, we found out through LinkedIn that Grow North Executive Director Allison Hohn and Ecoplant CEO Aviran Yaacov have also tried our ASAP products. After tasting, Allison commended IXON for being ‘a truly disruptive company’ that brings forth ‘the next revolution in fresh meat processing’. On the other hand, Aviran was amazed to find that the pork chop ‘came through the mail without refrigeration’ and congratulated IXON on the ‘amazing technology’.

We would like to thank Allison and Aviran for taking the time to try our revolutionary line of products. Sometimes we need more than a few inspiration ideas to bring an innovation to the market. We need pioneers who dare to explore new things in order to change the perception of the market.

在食物科技界中,越來越多人提倡ASAP產品的質量和便利性。兩週前,Techstars Farm to Fork Accelerator常務董事Brett Brohl親身體驗後便愛上了我們豬排。上週,FeedX聯合始創人Carl Lippert親身試食後便斷言ASAP將改變世界。

本週,Grow North執行董事Allison Hohn和Ecoplant首席執行官Aviran Yaacov也嘗試了我們ASAP產品。品嚐後,Allison讚揚IXON為「顛覆性公司」,並指望ASAP將「帶來新的鮮肉加工革命」。 Aviran則驚訝我們豬排「無需冷藏,並可通過郵件發送」,同時他祝賀IXON開發了「驚人技術」。


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