Hello Tomorrow named IXON as Deep Tech Pioneer

We are proud to inform you that IXON has just been named one of Hello Tomorrow’s Deep Tech Pioneers.

Hello Tomorrow is a mission-driven global organization that aims to accelerate the transfer of deep technologies to solve some of our most pressing industrial, environmental and societal challenges. IXON has be selected from over 5,000 applications by the Deep Tech Pioneer Community to attend Investor Day, which is to be held from 9th to 13th of November.

Also, our team will be attending the Global Summit, which is to be held from 16th to 20th November. Support our team by coming to the event and meeting us!  

我們又有好消息要跟大家宣布! IXON剛剛被Hello Tomorrow評選為「深層技術先驅」之一。

Hello Tomorrow是一家旨在加速深層技術轉移從而解決我們在工業、環境和社會方面最緊迫問題的全球性組織。他們的「深層技術先驅團隊」從5,000多個申請中篩選了IXON來參加將於11月9日至13日舉行的「投資者日」。


Deep Tech Pioneers - Linkedin.jpg