IXON's Kickstarter campaign is grabbing global attention

Fresh meat that can be stored at room temperature for two years — hmm… we knew that this concept alone would turn heads. But honestly, we didn’t expect that the news would travel so far and wide within such short period of time. Over the last seven days, IXON’s Kickstarter campaign has reported numerous websites around the world, including Foodie (Hong Kong), Packaging Digest (United States), Food Tec Info (Japan), Lamb International (Korea), Ekovolga (Russia) and Plastoday (Turkey). Since launch on 20 October, the news has already been picked up by 20 media outlets.

In case you haven’t done so yet, please take some time to visit our Kickstarter campaign site and see how you may support us. Given that there are only 11 days left until the campaign closes, you must hurry if you want to be the world’s first in trying our ASAP line of products.

新鮮的肉可以在室溫下保存兩年——嗯…我們知道僅此大膽概念就足以引起大眾熱議。但說實話,我們沒想到此消息會在短時間內被廣傳。在過去一星期,我們發現世界各地的媒體都有報導我們Kickstarter眾籌活動,包括香港的Foodie、美國的Packaging Digest、日本的Food Tec Info、韓國的Lamb International、俄羅斯的Ekovolga和土耳其的Plastoday。自10月20日啟動以來,我們已被20家媒體關注上。


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