[Testimonial 08] Artstation CEO Leonard Teo vouches for ASAP pork chops

Leonard and Felix are primary school classmates. They grew up together in Adelaide, South Australia, and have been good friends since childhood. When Leonard moved to Singapore in 1997, he and Felix lost contact for a long time. However, they recently found each other and reconnected on LinkedIn three months ago.

Leonard now lives in Montreal, Canada, and is the CEO of Artstation, a leading platform for showcasing games, film, media and entertainment artists. After he learned about advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) technology, he volunteered to try our products.

Well, our team sent Leonard two pieces of pork chops from Hong Kong through normal EMS, and he received them in the mailbox just a week ago. However, he only had time to cook them just now, having left the meat on his desk in the office for all of this time.

Leonard sampled the pork chops, having grilled them on his barbecue station for one minute on each side. He was pleasantly surprised by the taste and texture of the pork chops. “It's really tender. I would not have known that it had been sitting on my desk for over a week. That's amazing!”

Leonard’s son Jax echoed his dad’s comments. “I would say it’s 100 times better than regular pork chops.”

Leonard和Felix Cheung是小學同學。他們一起在南澳阿德萊德長大,從小就是好朋友。 1997年Leonard移居新加坡,自此他與Felix失去了聯絡。最近他們找到了對方,並於三個月前通過LinkedIn重新聯繫上。



今天Leonard終於有空試食豬扒,他把豬扒放在燒烤架上每面烤一分鐘。品嚐過後他對豬扒的味道和質感讚不絕口。 「豬扒很嫩,我真的不能相信它已經在我的桌子一個多星期。太棒了!」

Leonard兒子Jax亦認同父親的意見: 「我想說它比普通豬扒味道好100倍。」
