IXON featured on Hong Kong Foodie magazine

We just read Foodie’s latest article titled “Hong Kongers Pioneer Path to Shelf-Stable Meat”, and we must say it is one of the most in-depth articles written on IXON thus far. Three cheers to Dale Foo, Foodie’s IT and Burger Specialist, who authored the article after tasting our products during a factory visit.

“Our pork chop was prepared in a few minutes, using only a culinary torch to sear the surface and crisp the fat. We are able to vouch for the flavor, texture and quality as well as how easy it is to prepare,” said Foo. “It was very lightly salted, and the texture was perfect – firm but not chewy. The meat was very moist, but juices did not run from the cut chop.”

For those who don’t know, Foodie is a print magazine about food that gets delivered to Hong Kong coffee shops every two months. The publication also has a digital platform for showcasing inspiring food heroes and top chefs, as well as ground-breaking food innovations that gets updated on a daily basis.

剛剛閱讀了《Foodie》的最新文章「香港人開拓室溫儲存肉食之路」,我們必須承認這是迄今為止有關IXON最詳盡的文章之一。我們衷心感謝《Foodie》資訊科技和漢堡專家Dale Foo在參觀我們工場和品嚐我們產品之後撰寫的這篇文章。


