[Testimonial 07] ASAP products make life so much easier

Regina Cheng is a business woman living a busy life in Hong Kong. She volunteered to try out IXON's proprietary ASAP pork chops when an opportunity was presented to her one month ago. And what a wonderful job she did! Regina pan-fried the pork chop in a hot pan and then served it with a simple honey mustard she blended herself. The whole dish took her less than three minutes to prepare — and this includes the time she spent in making garnishes!

Regina also provided us her comments after tasting the pork chop:

The pork chop was packaged inside a plastic bag that looked hygienic and well-sealed. It came in an attractive paper box and the product was both impressive and appealing. The ASAP pork chop was very easy to cook and handle. I pan-fried it to seal in the meat’s moisture, and I didn’t have to worry about the center being undercooked. I tasted the pork chop and it was tender, moist and soft. It was a fascinating experience. My family and I enjoyed the pork flavor a lot. We would highly recommend this innovative product to our relatives and friends.

Thank you Regina for your extremely kind words! You don’t know how much your positive feedback means to a startup like us.

Regina是一位在香港過著繁忙生活的女商人。一個月前我們邀請她參加試用IXON「先進低溫真空無菌包裝」豬扒。您看她做的菜多麼出色! Regina先用平底鍋煎豬扒,然後配上自製蜂蜜芥末醬。整盤菜花了她不到三分鐘的時間——這還包括她花在做裝飾上的時間呢!


