[Testimonial 04] FeedX co-founder Carl Lippert tries ASAP pork chop

Carl Lippert is an American dairy farmer, an AgTech developer, as well as the co-founder of the startup company FeedX. He's one of only a few people in the world with qualifications in both dairy science and computer science.

We met Carl when we joined Techstars Farm-to-Fork Accelerator program. He and his partner Ryan Robichaud are building technologies to help farmers evaluate feed costs so that they get the lowest price in every purchase.

Carl was invited to try IXON's ASAP pork chop, which can be stored at room temperature for up two years. You can check out the video below to see his reactions after tasting the pork chop.

Interested in buying ASAP pork chops? Please visit our Kickstarter campaign page.

Carl Lippert是美國奶農、農業技術開發人員、也是創業公司FeedX的聯合始創人。他是世界上少數同時擁有農業科學和計算機科學的之。

我們加入Techstars農場到餐桌加速器計劃時認識了Carl。他和他的搭檔Ryan Robichaud正在開發用於幫助農民評估飼料成本的技術,從而使他們在每次購買中獲得最低的價格。


