[Testimonial 03] Techstars Accelerator MD tries ASAP pork chop

“About 10 days ago, I got a pork chop shipped to me via regular mail,” Brett Brohl, the Managing Director of Techstars Farm-to-Fork Accelerator who resides in Minnesota, writes on Twitter. “I walked around town with it in my pocket for an evening. It then sat on my desk for a week and then my counter for a few days.”

Brett grilled the pork chop last week, and this is what he said after tasting it.

“It was amazing! I am more convinced than ever that this company is going to change the food system!”

“It is still strange to think about eating a piece of meat that traveled halfway around the world at room temperature.”

If you are interested in trying our ASAP meat products, remember to pledge for us on Kickstarter.

Techstars「農場到叉子加速器」常務董事Brett Brohl在Twitter上說:「大約10天前我收到了一塊從香港寄來的豬扒。我把它放在口袋裡,然後到鎮上逛了一晚。最後它在我的桌子上坐了一周,再在我的櫃檯上坐了幾天。」





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