IXON among top ten startups in Match-ER

We have just received some great news from the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy — the birthplace of tagliatelle al ragu, tortellini, lasagne, prosciutto, balsamic vinegar and Parmigiano Reggiano!

IXON has been selected to enter the final of Match-ER, an open innovation program that seeks to build winning business collaborations between large corporations based in Emilia-Romagna and promising startups from around the world. The matching event, which will take place on 13 and 14th of November within the magnificent Palazzo Magnani of Bologna, will give IXON the unique opportunity to talk to powerful companies, such as Amadori, Barilla, Sealed Air and Tetra Pak.

In addition, we have been told by the organizer that IXON is among the top ten startups to appear in the program. And so we thank the organizer for their kind support and look forward to meeting everyone in Bologna very soon. For more information, please visit https://www.match-er.com


思創食品科技已入圍Match-ER決賽。Match-ER是一個國際共創支援計劃,旨在帮助愛美利亞-羅曼尼亞企業與全球一流初創公司之間建立成功的業務合作。配對活動將於11月13日至14日在波隆那馬格納尼宮內舉行,這將使IXON擁有與Amadori,Barilla,Sealed Air和Tetra Pak等強大公司對話的機會。

