IXON made the Foodtech 500

Wow! We are thrilled to learn that IXON Food Technology has made this year’s FoodTech 500's shortlist. Thank you everyone!

The FoodTech 500 showcases companies (early-stage startup to scaleup) that are building and scaling agri-foodtech businesses, as well as addressing the rapid needs and changes across the food ecosystem. According to Alessio D’ Antino, the CEO of Forward Fooding, “Each company that made the list represents an entrepreneurial success story,” which we guess is why IXON has been selected.

We still don’t know where exactly IXON ranks in the Foodtech 500. Apparently, our application has been entered into the FoodTech Data Navigator — a data intelligence system that creates a business size score, digital footprint score, and sustainability score based on the entrant’s data provided. The final ranked FoodTech 500 list will be releasing on Tuesday 4th February 2020.

For now, we would like to thank the Forward Fooding's team for picking IXON in this year's shortlist. We will update everyone once our final ranked position is announced.

我們很高興得知IXON已選入今年FoodTech 500的候選名單。謝謝大家!

FoodTech 500旨在表揚正在建立和擴展農業食品技術業務,以及滿足整個食品生態系統需求和變化等公司(從早期初創到後期拓展公司)。根據Forward Fooding首席執行官Alessio D’Antino所說,「 每個入選該名單的公司都代表著一個成功的創業故事。」

我們仍然不知道IXON在Foodtech 500中的確切排名。我們提供的數據已被輸入到FoodTech Data Navigator智能數據分析系統中,此系統可根據提名公司的業務規模,數碼足跡和可持續性得分。最終排名將於2020年2月4日星期二發佈。

我們在此感謝Forward Fooding團隊的評選,並真誠期待最終排名的公佈。
