Shortlisted for the Food Matters Live Awards 2019

We are delighted to announce that IXON Food Technology has been shortlisted for the Best Food Tech Innovation of the Year Award at the prestigious Food Matters Live Awards 2019.

Now in its third year, the Food Matters Live Awards celebrates the very best of the global food and beverage sector, as well as recognizes the innovation at the heart of the industry. The Best Food Tech Innovation of the Year Award, sponsored by Soylent, is one of only 14 awards that will be given out on Tuesday 19th November at 5.15 pm in the Platinum Suite of ExCeL London. IXON Food Technology will be competing the award against five other companies, including Dinepilot Limited, Genclis SA, Nourished, NutriCare Life and The CheckYourFood Group.

Last year, the Best Food Tech Innovation of the Year Award was awarded to TetraPak for their invention of ice cream extrusion wheel. A video of their winning moment is available here.

我們收到了令人振奮的消息,就是思創食品科技已入圍《 Food Matters Live Awards 2019》最佳食品技術創新獎。

今年第三年舉辦的《 Food Matters Live Awards》旨在表彰全球食品和飲料行業的佼佼者,並彰顯該行業的核心創新技術。獎項一共有14個,其中最佳食品技術創新獎由美國矽谷食物科技公司Soylent贊助。思創食品科技到時將與Dinepilot Limited、Gen​​clis SA、Nourished、NutriCare Life和The CheckYourFood Group等五家公司競逐殊榮,得獎名單將於11月19日(星期二)英國時間下午五時十五分在倫敦ExCeL會展中心內公佈。

