Stopping food wastage

Did you know that of all the food we produce today, one third is thrown out before it hits the consumers’ plates? That’s right! Those meat, seafood, fruits and vegetables that take acres of land, tons of water and gigawatts of energy to grow, harvest and transport are frequently disposed of due to bruises, spoilage or expiry dates.

If food manufacturers were to adopt our advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) technology, all those food can be saved from the waste bin. And we would have enough food to feed everyone on Earth, not just now but in 2050.


如果食物製造商用了我們開發的「先進真空低溫無菌包裝」(ASAP)技術 ,這些食物便可以得以保存。這樣我們便有足夠食物供給今天甚至2050年地球上所有的人。