The global food crisis

Did you know that we humans are headed for a global food crisis? The world’s population is expected to grow to 9.7 billion by 2050, and we need to find a way to feed all these people. Otherwise, many people will be pushed into malnutrition, hunger and peril.

One way to solve this problem is to reduce food waste. Our advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) technology allows meat, fish, vegetables and fruits to be sterilized at 60 to 80 °C. As a result, perishable foods, such as a medium-rare steak, can be stored at room temperature without refrigeration for up to two years. If we can preserve all the world’s produces today and keep them from spoiling, we would have enough food now to feed everyone in 2050.


減少食物浪費是其中一個能解決全球食物危機的方法。我們開發的先進「先進真空低溫無菌包裝」(ASAP)技術 ,能將肉類、魚類、蔬菜和水果在攝氏60至80度下消毒,因此使得食物(例如一塊三成熟的牛扒)能夠在室溫下儲存兩年,無需冷藏。如果我們能夠將全球農作物加以保存,我們今天所生產的食物已經足夠供給2050年生活的所有人類。
