IXON showcases premium shelf-stable products at Edmonton Unlimited

On Monday 12 June, IXON hosted a tasting event featuring their premium line of shelf-stable meat products at Edmonton Unlimited. The event showcased Australian Wagyu steak and Canadian pork chop, which were met with rave reviews from all attendees, including members from Invest Alberta, Edmonton Global, Agri-Food Discovery Place, Alberta Innovates, Leduc County Business and Entrepreneur Centre, University of Alberta, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, and Edmonton International Airport.

According to IXON founder and CEO Felix Cheung, the event was held to introduce their proprietary ASAP™ technology to potential customers and partners, and to highlight their commitment to building a commercial facility in the Alberta region. “We are proud of what we have built thus far, and we wanted to share our vision of what’s to come with our community,” says Cheung.

The tasting event was a huge success, with everyone who tried the products raving about their tenderness, juiciness and exceptional flavor. “This is the best beef I’ve ever tasted,” said one attendee. “I can’t believe how tender and flavourful it is, considering that it was stored at room temperature for months.”

IXON’s ASAP™ technology can preserve fresh meat for up to two years without needing refrigeration. The proprietary process uses quick surface heating, vacuum sealing, and aseptic conditions to prevent bacteria from spoiling meat.

6 月 12 日星期一,思創食品科技在埃德蒙頓無限制中心舉辦了一場試食活動,展示其高端耐存肉類產品系列。此次活動展示了澳洲和牛和加拿大豬排,受到了所有與會者的好評,其中包括來自阿爾伯塔省投資局、埃德蒙頓全球公司、農業食品發現中心、阿爾伯塔創新中心、勒杜克縣商業和企業家中心、阿爾伯塔大學、 北阿爾伯塔理工學院和埃德蒙頓國際機場。

思創食品科技始創人兼執行董事張文浩表示,舉辦此次活動的目的是向潛在客戶和合作夥伴介紹其專有的 ASAP™ 無菌包裝技術,並強調他們在艾伯塔省地區建設大型工場的承諾。張說他們對迄今為止所建立的一切感到自豪,並希望與社區分享他們對未來的願景。


思創食品科技的 ASAP™ 技術無需冷藏即可保存新鮮肉類長達兩年。該專有技術採用快速表面加熱、真空密封和無菌條件,以防止細菌使肉變質。