IXON advances to Entrepreneurship World Cup Global Finals

IXON will be competing for a share of US$1 million at the Entrepreneurship World Cup (EWC) Global Finals, which are set to take place March 9-12 at Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. The EWC, co-hosted by the Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN) and the Small and Medium Enterprises General Authority, is the largest international pitch competition for up-and-coming founders.

This year, more than 30,000 companies from around the world registered to compete in regional finals of EWC. The top performing 100 companies were selected to pitch at the Global Finals, and IXON was among these companies. 

“These companies and their founders have wowed us at every stage of the competition,” said Jonathan Ortmans, president of GEN. “They are on course to change lives with innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.”  

IXON will be competing for the grand $300,000 prize, as well as specialized categories based on sector (including tech and space and sustainability and environment) and impact (including social impact, sustainable development goals and women-led companies). 

思創食品科技將在 3 月 9 日至 12 日在沙特阿拉伯利雅得舉行的創業世界杯 (EWC) 全球總決賽中角逐 100 萬美元的獎金。 EWC 由全球創業網絡 (GEN) 和中小企業總局共同主辦,是世界上最大型國際創業大賽。

今年有超過30,000家企業報名參加EWC地區總決賽。表現最好的 100 家公司被選中參加全球總決賽,IXON 也在這些公司之列。

GEN 總裁喬納森·奧特曼斯 (Jonathan Ortmans) 說:「這些頂尖公司與其創始人讓我們驚嘆不已,他們通過創新方案改變人類生活,以及應對世界上最緊迫的挑戰。」

思創食品科技將角逐價值 300,000 美元的大獎,以及基於行業(包括技術和空間以及可持續性和環境)和影響力(包括社會影響、可持續發展目標和女性領導的公司)而頒發的專業類別獎項。