Alberta edges out other jurisdictions to land IXON Food Technology


Invest Alberta held an event with IXON Food Technology in Hong Kong today to announce the company’s decision to bring $10 million and 20 jobs to Alberta when they launch a packaging innovation company in Edmonton, Alberta early next year.

Based in Hong Kong, the company developed a packing method — advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) — that allows meat to be stored at room temperature for as long as two years without refrigeration or preservatives.

Nearly 20 per cent of meat produced globally — close to 53 million tonnes — is lost or wasted at the retail or consumer level. IXON’s preservation technology represents an innovative advancement in sustainable, environmentally friendly, and accessible meat production and distribution. It reduces spoilage, requires less energy and water to produce than other packaging methods, and reduces the environmental footprint involved in shipping food around the world by eliminating the cold chain logistics for meat products.

The founders of IXON selected Edmonton over a number of other jurisdictions due to the region’s unique combination of world-class research, infrastructure, and network of support.

IXON is a graduate of Creative Destruction Lab-Rockies (CDL-Rockies). Located at the University of Calgary’s Haskayne School of Business, CDL-Rockies brings together experienced entrepreneurs, investors, and scientists to mentor technology and science-based start-ups in their pursuit to build scalable businesses. CDL-Rockies introduced IXON to top-tier mentors, including partners from The51 Food and Ag-Tech fund, a $50 million fund investing in outlier entrepreneurs solving the planet’s most urgent food-related climate, environmental, and farming challenges.  

The51 Food and AgTech Fund arranged an Alberta tour to connect IXON with Alberta’s investment ecosystem players, including the University of Alberta, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) and Edmonton Global, with each providing significant expertise in ag-tech, logistics, and infrastructure in the capital region. Invest Alberta provided tailored services as a connector to government, academia and economic development partners to make IXON’s decision to invest in the province an easy one.

IXON is currently building a pilot automated line in Edmonton and expects to begin introducing its products, which will include Alberta beef and pork, to customers world-wide by 2024. The pilot line will have the capacity to produce four tonnes of packaged meat daily, which the company expects to increase to 20 tonnes per day and beyond once a full commercial line is in place.

IXON will continue researching and developing its food-packaging technologies, furthering Alberta’s position as the ideal place for growth and development in the food technology sector.  

"After much travelling in July and August, we ultimately picked Alberta as the home for our first international office due to its tremendous support for start-ups, its outstanding quality meats, especially beef and pork, as well as its wealth of resources, including expertise in food safety, product development, and mechanical engineering.” — Felix Cheung, Founder and CEO, IXON Food Technology

“Creating a conducive climate for attracting investment and growing our economy is about having the right conditions for success in place. IXON’s decision to come to Alberta is proof that companies from across Canada and around the world are paying attention to the economic climate we have created in Alberta. Our province provides low corporate taxes, a government that actively supports free enterprise and is committed to reducing red tape. We also offer a highly skilled and ready workforce accompanied by easy access to global markets. We are excited to see IXON come to Alberta, and we are ready to receive other organizations that are looking to grow and prosper in our province.” — The Honorable Rajan Sawhney, Alberta Minister of Trade, Immigration and Multiculturalism

“IXON’s expansion to Edmonton is exciting news, and I couldn’t think of a better city for this successful and growing organization to thrive in. This expansion will open up employment opportunities, attract investment, amplify local innovation efforts in the Edmonton region, and promote Alberta as a leader in food technology. I welcome IXON to the Edmonton region and look forward to witnessing all they are bound to accomplish.” — Amarjeet Sohi, Edmonton Mayor

“Alberta is known for driving innovation and bringing together the right people to achieve an ambitious vision. Alberta is positioned to transform the food technology sector and modernize the food industry with collaborative partnerships between investors, post-secondary institutions, and economic development agencies being fundamental to our success.” — Rick Christiaanse, Invest Alberta CEO

“IXON’s decision to move to Alberta serves as a proof point that Alberta’s innovation ecosystem can attract and support growing start-ups, globally. CDL-Rockies exposes high-potential early-stage start-ups to the highest quality expertise and investment opportunities that will enhance their probability of success. We are proud to have played a role in IXON’s introduction to the province and look forward to following their impact on our food technology sector.” — Heather Marshall, Site Lead for Creative Destruction Lab-Rockies

“The51 Food and AgTech Fund is delighted to act as a convener, connector and curator for IXON and for the Alberta community. Alberta is Canada’s livestock industry centre and the ideal location to export new products from. We look forward to continue supporting ambitious innovators solving intractable problems, being part of their entrepreneurial journey, and helping make Alberta and Canada a destination for talents, innovations, and tech companies around the world.” — Yuan Shi, Principal of The51 Food and AgTech Fund

“Brilliant minds are at work in the Edmonton region discovering emerging technologies that are being supported by the research and development taking place at our post-secondary institutions. This announcement is another example of growing investments in innovation that are finding a unique home in the Edmonton region. IXON will benefit from locating in the Edmonton region because of its strong connectivity to the global marketplace.” — Malcolm Bruce, CEO of Edmonton Global

“We are preparing the contracts for IXON to perform microbiological challenge studies with pilot-scale equipment. This project will build on our expertise related to challenge studies for novel processing technologies and will make use of the unique facilities for pilot-scale processing in a Biosafety Level 2 environment at Agri-Food Discovery Place.” — Dr. Michael Gänzle, University of Alberta, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Science

“As a critical partner in Alberta and Canada’s innovation ecosystem, we partner with businesses and communities to innovate and develop solutions to address industry challenges. We are intensely industry focused, working hard to understand our partner needs and supply them with the services they need to be globally competitive.” — Olle Lagerquist, Associate Vice President, Industry Solutions, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology


About Invest Alberta:   
Invest Alberta is engaging the world and providing high-end tailored support to companies, investors, and major new projects. With team members strategically positioned in key markets around the world, Invest Alberta works to break down barriers so businesses can start up, scale up, and succeed without limits. Since 2020, we have helped investors commit bill and thousands of jobs in diverse sectors into Alberta. For more information please visit: 

About IXON:
IXON is a Hong Kong-based company that specializes in food sterilization and preservation. A FoodTech 500 company, IXON is recognized for their proprietary advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) technology that enables the storage and shipment of sous-vide products at room temperature. By eliminating the need for cold chain and greatly extending shelf life, ASAP makes the consumption of meat, fish, and seafood more equitable, convenient and sustainable.

Media Contacts: 
Invest Alberta 
1 403 861 9968

Caleb Atwood (Canada)
1 802 522 6128

Elton Ho (Hong Kong)
852 2338 6838


2022 年 12 月 14 日 – 艾伯塔省投資有限公司(Invest Alberta)今天宣布,思創食品科技(IXON Food Technology)將於明年初在艾伯塔省埃德蒙頓市成立分公司,為艾伯塔省帶來 1000萬加元投資和創造 20 個工作職位。

思創食品科技總部位於香港,他們自家開發的先進真空低溫無菌包裝 (ASAP)技術能使肉類在室溫下保存長達兩年,無需冷藏或添加任何防腐劑。

全球每年有百分之二十的肉類(即接近 5300萬噸)會在零售或消費者層面中被丟棄或浪費。思創食品科技的保鮮技術標誌著肉類生產和分銷進入可持續性、環保且易於購買的新時代。與傳統包裝方法相比,ASAP可防止肉類腐壞,減少烹調肉類生產時所需的能源和水,並通過消除肉類儲存所需的凍鏈物流,減少全球運輸食品運輸所帶來的環境影響和碳足跡。


思創食品科技是初創加速器 Creative Destruction Lab-Rockies (CDL-Rockies)的應屆畢業生。位於卡爾加里大學哈斯卡恩商學院CDL-Rockies匯集了經驗豐富的企業家、投資者和科學家,他們旨在指導科創企業建立和擴充其業務。CDL-Rockies成功為思創食品科技引薦頂級導師,包括來自 The51 Food and Ag-Tech 基金的合作夥伴,該基金投資資產為 5000 萬美元,用於支持出類拔萃的企業家,從而解決地球上最迫切、與食品相關的氣候、環境和農業問題。

The51 Food and Ag-Tech 基金亦為思創食品科技安排了一次艾伯塔省之旅,使其公司得以與艾伯塔省的投資生態系統聯繫起來,包括艾伯塔大學、北艾伯塔理工學院 (NAIT) 和埃德蒙頓全球公司,這些機構將為思創食品科技提供農業技術、物流和基礎設施方面的專業支援。艾伯塔省投資有限公司則提供了制定服務,包括聯繫政府、學術界和經濟發展合作夥伴等,使思創食品科技加快在該省投資的決定。

思創食品科技目前正在埃德蒙頓設立全自動化的試點生產線,預計到2024年開始全球推銷,其中產品包括艾伯塔省的牛肉和豬肉。該試點生產線預計每天能包裝四噸食物,成功後該公司將構建每天產能 20 噸的大型生產線。




「我們在 7 和 8 月時考察了世界各地,最終敲定艾伯塔省作為我們第一個海外辦事處的所在地,原因包括它對初創企業的大力支持、它優質的肉類,尤其是牛肉和豬肉,以及豐富的資源,包括 食品安全、產品開發和機械工程方面的專業知識。」 —— 思創食品科技創辦人兼執行董事張文浩

「吸引投資和有利發展經濟的環境是做就成功的必要條件。 思創食品科技來艾伯塔省發展其業務,足證世界各地的公司都在關注我們優秀的營商環境。 我們提供低企業稅率,政府亦積極支持自由企業並致力減少繁文縟節。我們同時提供高技能和勞動力,令營商者可輕鬆進入全球市場。 我們樂見思創食品科技選擇艾伯塔省,並準備好接待其他希望在本省大展拳腳的組織。」 —— 艾伯塔省貿易、移民和多元文化部長拉詹·索尼

「思創食品科技選擇擴展其業務到埃德蒙頓是一個令人振奮的消息,對初創公司而言我想不出比這城市有更好發展的地方。這次機會將創造就業,吸引投資,擴大埃德蒙頓地區的本土創意產業,並促進艾伯塔省成為食品技術的領導者。 我歡迎思創食品科技來埃德蒙頓地區,並期待見證他們必將取得的成果。」 —— 埃德蒙頓市長Amarjeet Sohi

「艾伯塔省素以推動創新和匯集人才來實現雄心勃勃的願景而聞名。通過投資者、大專院校和經濟發展機構之間的合作夥伴關係,艾伯塔省有望改革食品技術並使食品行業現代化,這是我們成功的基礎。」 —— 艾伯塔省投資有限公司首席執行官Rick Christiaanse

「思創食品科技選擇搬到艾伯塔省,證明艾伯塔省的創新生態系統能有效吸引和支持成長中的初創企業。 CDL-Rockies為高潛力的早期初創企業提供最高質專業知識和投資機會,這將提高他們成功的可能性。我們很自豪能夠將思創食品科技引入艾伯塔省,並期待了解它對我們食品技術領域的影響。」—— Creative Destruction Lab-Rockies 站點負責人Heather Marshall

「The51 Food and AgTech 基金很高興擔任思創食品科技和艾伯塔省社區的召集人、聯絡人和策展人。艾伯塔省是加拿大的畜牧業中心,也是出口新產品的理想地點。我們期待繼續支持雄心勃勃的創新者解決棘手的問題,成為他們創業之旅的一部分,並幫助艾伯塔省和加拿大成為全球人才、創新和科技公司的集中地。」 —— The51 Food and AgTech 基金負責人施遠

「聰明的頭腦為我們埃德蒙頓地區發掘新興技術,而這些技術亦得到了本地大專院校的科研人員支持。今次消息是創新投資在埃德蒙頓地區找到歸宿的另一個例子,思創食品科技將受惠於埃德蒙頓地區,因為它與全球市場聯繫非常緊密。」—— Edmonton Global 首席執行官 Malcolm Bruce

「我們正在為思創食品科技草擬微生物研究的合同,該項目將建立於新型加工技術的專業知識和基礎上,包括在Agri-Food Discovery Place 設立二級生物安全測試。」 —— 艾伯塔大學農業、生命與環境科學學院博士Michael Gänzle

「作為艾伯塔省和加拿大創新生態系統的重要合作夥伴,我們致力與企業和社區合作,通過創新和開發解決方案來應對行業挑戰。 我們高度關注行業,努力了解我們合作夥伴的需求,並為他們提供具有全球競爭力所需的服務。」 —— 北阿爾伯塔理工學院行業解決方案助理副總裁Olle Lagerquist


艾伯塔省投資有限公司期望與世界接軌,為企業、投資者和重大新項目提供高端和度身訂造的支援方案。艾伯塔省投資有限公司團隊成員分佈在世界各地的主要市場,致力打破市場障礙,使企業能夠不受限制於地域創業,擴大規模並取得成功。自  2020  年以來,我們已幫助投資者和不同行業在艾伯塔省創造數千個工作職位。如需更多信息,請瀏覽 

思創食品科技是一家總部位於香港的初創公司,專門開發食品滅菌和保鮮技術。作為一家 「FoodTech 500 強」公司,思創食品科技因其專有「先進真空低溫烹調法無菌包裝」 (ASAP) 技術而聞名,該技術可令真空低溫烹調產品於室溫下儲存和運輸。通過消除凍鏈需求和延長保質期,ASAP技術將為社會大眾帶來價格更相宜、使用更方便和更具可持續性的肉類、魚類和海鮮。

1 403 861 9968

Caleb Atwood (加拿大)
1 802 522 6128

何耀權 (香港)
852 2338 6838