IXON recognized as one of the world's most innovative startups by CompassList

We are delighted to learn that CompassList, a startup research database and media platform based in Singapore, has posted an in-depth article about IXON and our advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) technology.

“IXON aims to disrupt global cold chain logistics with its novel food preparation and packaging solution that keeps food fresh at room temperature for years,” writes Xiao’e Wang, Country Editor of CompassList. “[They have] collaborated with over 25 companies worldwide, including food conglomerate Cargill, Italian chicken processor Amadori and packaging firm Sealed Air, to validate and commercialize the ASAP technology, ranging from evaluating food safety protocols to cost estimates for plant construction.”

CompassList offers valuable, accurate and in-depth information about innovative technology startups in the world’s fastest-growing ecosystems. Through their articles and database, readers gain a bigger picture of each ecosystem: its local market, business environment, society and culture.

Premium subscribers can access IXON’s company profile on CompassList via the following link: https://www.compasslist.com/startups/ixon-food-technology

我們很高興得知位於新加坡的初創研究數據庫和媒體平台 CompassList 發布了一篇關於 IXON 和先進低溫真空無菌包裝 (ASAP) 技術的深入文章

CompassList 國家編輯王小娥(譯名)寫道:「IXON 旨在通過其新穎的食品製備和包裝解決方案顛覆全球冷鏈物流,令新鮮食品可在室溫下保存多年。[他們] 與全球超過25 家公司合作,包括食品集團嘉吉、意大利雞肉加工商Amadori 和包裝公司Sealed Air,從評估食品安全協議到工廠建設成本估算,以驗證和商業化ASAP 技術。」

CompassList 提供有關世界上發展最快的生態系統中的創新技術初創公司的寶貴、準確和深入的信息。通過他們的文章和數據庫,讀者可以更全面地了解每個生態系統,包括當地市場、商業環境、社會和文化。

高級訂閱者可以通過以下鏈結瀏覽 CompassList 上有關 IXON 公司的簡介:https://www.compasslist.com/startups/ixon-food-technology
