IXON shortlisted for Future Food Asia Award 2021

We received news from ID Capital, the organizer of the upcoming Future Food Asia conference, that IXON has been selected as one of ten startups competing for this year’s Future Food Asia Award. To win the grand prize of US$100,000, our team will need to pitch against finalists from Australia, India, Ireland, Hong Kong, South Korea and New Zealand before a jury panel made up of experts and executives from A*STAR and Cargill from 7th to 11th June.

For the fifth year running, the Future Food Asia conference acknowledges and showcases the best innovative agri-foodtech solutions within the APAC region. Isabelle Decitre, the founder and CEO of ID Capital, explained that IXON was shortlisted for ‘coming up with the most diverse value propositions’ and that our ASAP technology is a ‘testament to human ingenuity’.

我們收到未來食品亞洲會議主辦單位ID Capital的通知,IXON已被選為競爭本年度「未來食品亞洲大獎」的十家初創公司之一。為了贏得10萬美元大獎,我們團隊將需要與來自澳大利亞、印度、愛爾蘭、香港、韓國和新西蘭的決賽選手競爭,然後由新加坡科技研究局的專家和美國嘉吉公司管理層組成的評審團於6月7日到11日期間選出冠軍。

今年已經是第五年舉辦的亞洲未來食品會議,旨在展示來自亞太地區的創新農業食品技術方案。 ID Capital創辦人兼首席執行官Isabelle Decitre解釋說,IXON因「提出了最多樣化的價值主張」而入圍,並且「印證了人類的創造力」。

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