ASAP products unboxed ahead of Sweden Foodtech Big Meet

Earlier this month, we sent our friends at Sweden Foodtech a parcel containing ASAP sirloin steaks and pork chops from Hong Kong. Today Johan Jörgensen, the wonderful founder and partner at Sweden Foodtech, informed us that the parcel has arrived safe and sound. Moreover, he and Michael Daun from Cultr have posted on LinkedIn a video showing what our products looked like after traveling half way across the globe.

In any case, we are just glad that the parcel arrived in time for Sweden Foodtech Big Meet, the annual conference in Stockholm that brings together the best foodtech startups, entrepreneurs, scientists and athletes around the world. This year Sweden Foodtech Big Meet is to take place from 31 May to 4 June. If you have not done so, please register for this very important event while tickets last!

本月初我們寄了一份包裹給Sweden Foodtech的朋友們,裡面裝有來自香港的ASAP西冷牛扒和豬扒。今天Sweden Foodtech的創辦兼合夥人Johan Jörgensen告知我們,包裹已經安全到達了瑞典。此外,他和Cultr的創辦人Michael Daun在LinkedIn上發布了一段開箱影片,顯示出我們產品在環繞地球半圈後的模樣。

