IXON presented hybrid packaging technology at Polish meat conference

The global meat industry is facing enormous challenges, including rising production costs, rapidly changing consumption patterns and increasing awareness of food sustainability, especially in the post-COVID era. IXON was invited by Polish Meat Association, European Livestock and Meat Trades Union (UECBV) and Young European Meat Committee (YEMCo) to speak on “Hybrid Packaging for the Future” at the International Conference and Annual General Meeting of UECBV and YEMCo held in Poznań on Monday 4 October.

“Poland is a major producer of meat products, the fourth largest in Europe,” says Felix Cheung, founder and CEO of IXON. “We are very much interested in bringing our ASAP technology to Poland so that meat processors can be cushioned from the effects of disrupted operations.”

全球肉類行業正面臨著巨大挑戰,例如生產成本上升、消費模式快速變化以及食品可持續性意識提高,尤其是在後 COVID 時代。 IXON 應波蘭肉類協會、歐洲畜牧業和肉類貿易聯盟 (UECBV) 和歐洲青年肉類委員會 (YEMCo) 的邀請,在波茲南於 10 月 4 日星期一舉行的 UECBV 和 YEMCo 國際會議和年度大會上就「未來混合包裝」發表演講。

IXON 創辦人兼執行董事張文浩先生說:「波蘭是歐洲第四大肉類產品生產國,我們非常樂意將 ASAP 技術帶到波蘭,以便肉食生產商可以免受因運營中斷而造成的影響。」

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