IXON advances into Entrepreneurship World Cup Global Top 100

Entrepreneurship World Cup (EWC), a global entrepreneurship competition organized by the Misk Global Forum, Global Entrepreneurship Network and The Global Education & Leadership Foundation, today announced the top 100 startups that will be competing for the USD 1 million cash prize at the global finals, which are to take place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, from 17-18 November. We are happy to report that IXON is among the global top 100 that are advancing into the next phase of the competition.

This year, EWC received entries from over 100,000 startups and from over 200 countries. The global top 100 spans six continents, including Africa (11), Asia (36), Europe (22), North America (13), Oceania (4), and South America (14). IXON is one of two China/Hong Kong startups that are to compete in the global finals.

To see the official press release, please visit: https://enterpriseworldcup.com/Insights/top-100-startups-advance-to-enterprise-world-cup-global-finals/

由 Misk 全球論壇、全球創業網絡和全球教育與領導基金會主辦的創業世界杯(EWC)創業大賽,今天宣布了入圍全球總決賽的前 100 家初創公司,他們將於 11 月 17 日至 18 日在沙特阿拉伯利雅得爭奪 100 萬美元現金獎勵。我們很高興地報告,IXON 是入圍前 100 家初創公司之一。

今年,EWC 收到了來自 100,000 多家初創公司和 200 多個國家/地區的參賽作品。全球前 100 強初創公司跨越六大洲,包括非洲(11)、亞洲(36)、歐洲(22)、北美(13)、大洋洲(4)和南美洲(14)。 IXON 是代表中國/香港進入全球總決賽的兩家初創公司之一。

