Food's Future Summit

The award-winning Food’s Future Summit is back for its third year. And IXON has been invited to showcase its advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) technology at the Asia Society Hong Kong Center during 11-12 October. Join us if you would like to sample shelf-stable steaks and pork chops or to meet game-changers of our food’s future.

今年Food's Future Summit將於10月11日至12日在亞洲協會香港中心舉行。思創食品科技亦已應邀出席並展示其「先進真空低溫無菌包裝」(ASAP)技術。如果您想品嚐能夠在室溫下儲存的牛排和豬排,又或者想與未來食品開發者見面,請儘早購票
