IXON × the Mills Fabrica private tasting event

On Wednesday 29th September, IXON held a private tasting event for Hong Kong media, venture capitalists, chefs and restaurateurs in collaboration with the Mills Fabrica. Guests were invited to participate in the following:

  • Blind tasting wherein guests rate ASAP Canadian pork chops, as well as frozen Brazilian, Canadian and Spanish pork chops after sampling;

  • Quality tasting wherein guests rate ASAP Canadian pork chops stored at room temperature for one, two and four weeks after sampling; and

  • Product tasting wherein guests sampled ASAP Australian Wagyu sirloin steak (served with Japanese wasabi mayonnaise), ASAP Canadian pork chop (served with Korean citron sauce), and ASAP Thai chicken breast (served with Chinese ginger, chives and soy sauce).

Participants who responded to our survey found ASAP pork chops superior to frozen Brazilian, Canadian and Spanish pork chops across five categories: smell, softness, tenderness, taste and freshness. Appearance-wise, they found no differences between the four types of pork chops.

Participants also found little differences between ASAP Canadian pork chops stored for different periods of time. Towards the end of the event, IXON’s founder and CEO Felix Cheung showed guests how easy it is to plate and create Michelin-starred dishes using ASAP products.

9 月 29 日星期三,IXON 與南豐作坊合作舉辦了一場私人試食會,招待香港傳媒、投資者、廚師和餐廳老闆。客人被邀請參與以下活動:

  • 盲品測試:客人對 ASAP 加拿大豬扒,以及雪藏巴西、加拿大和西班牙豬扒進行抽樣試食,然後評分;

  • 品質測試: 客人對在室溫儲存了一、二和四個星期的 ASAP 加拿大豬扒進行抽樣試食,然後評分;以及

  • 品鑑環節:客人分别品嚐了ASAP澳大利亞和牛西冷牛扒(配日本山葵蛋黃醬)、ASAP加拿大豬扒(配韓國柚子醬)和ASAP泰國雞胸肉(配中式薑蔥豉油)。

我們在分析問卷調查後發現,參與者一致認為 ASAP 豬扒在五個範疇方面都比雪藏巴西、加拿大和西班牙豬扒優勝,包括氣味、柔軟度、嫩度、味道和新鮮度。從外觀上看,他們發現四種豬扒之間沒有差異。

參與者亦認為,不同儲存期的 ASAP 加拿大豬扒味道差異不大。在活動接近尾聲時,IXON 的創辦人兼執行董事張文浩先生向大家介紹瞭如何使用 ASAP 產品製作米芝蓮星級菜餚。