Leading French radio station showcased IXON's innovation

Anicet Mbida, a technology specialist and radio presenter of French radio station Europe 1, recently did a segment on our company’s advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP). With more than 20 years of experience in science and innovations, Mbida has been covering news on transformative technologies for La Matinale, the third most popular radio show in France, since 2015.

“ASAP removes all microbes at low temperature before packaging. The technology is quite smart. They treat the sauces and solids separately, but this will simplify logistics by avoiding cold chains and save on refrigeration,” says Mbida. “We will soon be able to have a rare rib of beef delivered by mail!”

You can listen to the radio segment (in French) here.

Original transcript of the radio segment can be accessed here.

法國廣播電台Europe 1的技術專家兼廣播主持人安妮絲·姆比達(Anicet Mbida),最近對我們「先進低溫真空無菌包裝」(ASAP)進行了詳盡介紹。擁有超過20年的科學和創科經驗的姆比達,自2015年以來一直在法國第三最受歡迎電台節目《La Matinale》上報導有關革命性技術的新聞。



