History in the making: IXON to virtual pitch on 1 September

The Global Maker Challenge #Make4ProspertyWeek is set to run from Monday 31 August to Thursday 3 September. Felix Cheung, the Founder and CEO of IXON, is set to give his pitch on how to tackle the Sustainable and Healthy Food for All challenge at 1400 GMT (2200 HKT) on Tuesday 1 September.

"Advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) can help tackle 10 out of 17 sustainable development goals set out by the United Nations,” says Cheung. “With the help of ASAP, it is possible to eat meat and be sustainable at the same time."

Watch Mohamed bin Rashid Initiative for Global Prosperity interview with Cheung to learn more on how ASAP, a techology that enables the safe distribution of fresh meat, fish and seafood at room temperature, can help the world become greener, healthier and more sustainable. And don't forget to register now if you would like to attend the Global Maker Challenge Award Ceremony on Sunday 6 September.

Visit https://makingprosperity.com/global-maker-challenge-award-ceremony for more details.

全球創造者挑戰賽 #Make4ProspertyWeek 將於8月31日星期一至9月3日星期四舉行。思創食品科技始創人兼首席執行官張文浩博士將在9月1日格林威治標準時間1400(香港時間2200 HKT)發表如何應對全民可持續健康食品挑戰的演說。


