Deloitte selects IXON for its annual Foodtech Accelerator program

We are proud to announce that IXON Food Technology has been selected by Deloitte as one of nine startups to participate in their annual Foodtech Accelerator program. Our team will spend 15 weeks along with experts from Amadori, one of Italy’s largest poultry producers, and Sealed Air, one of the world’s leading suppliers of fresh food packaging, to validate the patent-pending advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) technology and explore business opportunities within Europe.

Based in Milan, the Foodtech Accelerator program aims to bring together the world’s best startups and Italy’s leading corporations to boost food innovation. Over 600 startups from 81 countries have applied in this year’s program, and IXON is the only startup from Asia that has been selected. The other startups are Cytophage from Canada, Heallo and Ktchn Lab from Italy, as well as Agritask, Equinom, Innovopro, Soos and Zero Egg from Israel.

Felix Cheung, the Founder and CEO of IXON said: “We are thrilled to have the support of Amadori and Sealed Air as meat and food packaging suppliers for the next 15 weeks. Our collaboration is set to mark a new chapter in the history of food innovations.”

我們高興地宣佈,思創食品科技已被德勤選為今年度參與其轄下Foodtech Accelerator計劃的九間初創公司之一。我們將與意大利大型家禽生產商Amadori和世界領先食品包裝供應商Sealed Air合作,進行一個為期15週的項目,以驗證先進低溫真空無菌包裝(ASAP)技術和探索在歐洲的商機。

Foodtech Accelerator計劃總部設在米蘭,旨在將世界上最好的初創公司與意大利領先企業聯合起來,以促進食品創新。今年申請加入該計劃的初創公司超過600間,來自81個國家,而思創食品科技是唯一被選中的亞洲初創公司。其他初創公司還包括加拿大的Cytophage、意大利的Heallo和Ktchn Lab、以及以色列的Agritask、Equinom、Innovopro、Soos和Zero Egg。

思創食品科技的創始人兼首席執行官張文浩說:「我們很高興能在未來15週內得到Amadori和Sealed Air作為肉類和食品包裝供應商的支持。我們的合作將標誌著食品創新史上的新篇章。」